FAQs about our Montana Virtual Events & Guide Book Advertisement
How does the Virtual Fairs/Events cost breakdown compared to the in-person Montana Fairs?
Our in-person September Fairs are a 3 region, 3 week event with 18 Fairs overall. We host 6 fairs in each region for a flat price of $450/per region for members & $600/per region for nonmembers. Instead of hosting 3 separate events in September for each Region, we wanted to make this as easy and cost effective as possible by combining all 18 fairs and 3 Montana regions into 1 event.
The Virtual Event will host all 3 regions for the price of 1 in-person region. The overall cost per virtual event is: $450/per virtual event for members / $600/ per virtual event for nonmembers. With 3 Montana Regions included - this new virtual model breaks down to $150 / per region for members & $200 / per region for nonmembers (Montana’s 3 Regions are: Eastern, Central, & Western Montana). This equates as up to a $1,200 savings from our regular fee for the entire state of live fair events! We hope that this is a cost savings for you and your institution in this challenging time and an easy way to connect with our entire state of high schools for less cost and also less time. We are working hard with all high schools to get strong attendance for these events, so your time is valuable and quality with our Montana students, counselors, parents, & beyond.
Reach all of Montana for less cost! See pricing details in this email below.
Please contact us if you have concerns about cost, as we want to make sure students get this chance to connect with you and your institution. It is our top priority to help students the best we can in this time, and we want to work with you and are offering scholarships for those who need a bit of extra help in this challenging time. Contact us today! [email protected] | 406.531.3531
Are we paying for just 1 “live session” for students?
Our Montana events are not just 1 day or 1 live session. With our Montana Virtual Events our goal is to get you more for your money in the most efficient & effective way possible. Our 1 event could be compared to 3 or 4 separate virtual events. We are trying to maximize your reach in 1 event versus multiple separate events in the same month. Therefore, we are working hard to make sure this event offers many options to reach and connect with students. Our virtual events include a multi-day event, multi-session touch, multiple “live session” options & topic choices, online video library, online institution profile, one-on-one scheduling for student/counselor meetings, & much more! Therefore, if a student, counselor, parent is unable to attend one “live session” of your institution on one day, you, as the institution will have the option to offer multiple sessions on multiple days to avoid scheduling conflicts and reach as many students as possible in these events. Through these different touches, you will receive all the student contact information for future use and connection after the event.
If the cost is blocking us from attending, are there scholarships to help us be able to attend?
Yes! We are here to help! |ExhibitorScholarships– With COVID-19, we know this is a challenging time for everyone, and we are trying to keep services strong for students and education. Especially with being loyal partners in helping our Montana students at our past events, we want to make sure this is a fair option for you and your institution. Please do not hesitate to contact us if your institution would like to participate in these virtual events but is having a hard time meeting financial requirements. We want to work with you to help students together. [email protected] | 406.531.3531
What are added incentives/bonuses to participating in the Montana Virtual Events?
New! Special Added Bonus - Free access to the Montana High School Counselor Directory – By participating in any of our Virtual Events/Guide Advertisement/Programing, you will be invited to have access to our Montana Counselor Directory with easy export and contact for future use.
New! Special Added Bonus - High School Visits Scheduling– The use of the Counselor Directory will help with your Montana High School scheduling plan. MPSEOC is here to help answer questions and be of assistance however we can as well.
New! MPSEOC Statewide Announcements –By participating in any of our Virtual Events/Guide Advertisement/Programing, you are invited to share announcements & updates throughout the year directly to schools using the Counselor / High School directory.
Will I be able to reach all 3 Montana Regions (Eastern, Central, Western) in the Virtual Events?
Yes! Each virtual event will have statewide Montana reach! | All 200 Montana high schools and training programs are invited to attend for free! Here is your chance to still meet with Montana students, counselors, parents, colleges, & beyond during COVID-19! Our in-person fairs bring over 10,000 attendees with a mix of high school seniors, juniors, sophomores, & college transfer students. This virtual event will be hosting attendance from this same audience and beyond. We are teaming closely with all 200+ Montana high schools, 300+ Montana high school counselors, all Montana colleges, & many stateside and national associations to make this event a success!
For the Winter/Spring 2021 events, how will we gain student / counselor contacts from these virtual events?
Institutions will have multiple ways to connect with students which creates more ways in a multi-day event to gain leads!! The VisitDays virtual platform offers a high levels of engagement between students and your institution to help build relationships, grow enrollment, and ensure that your institution stands out. Specifically, you will gain contact leads for everyone who:
1 - Joins a "Live" Session with your institution (You will have several options to host several live sessions during the event.)
2 - Favorites your institution online profile
3 - Watches the videos you have uploaded in your profile's video library
4 - Books a 1-on-1 meeting with your institution team
5 - Live Chat
We will also be sharing the overall data collected from the entire event from April 6-8, 2020.
For the Winter/Spring 2021 events, if we participated in a NACAC or other VisitDay’s Virtual Event, may we just transfer our profile over?
Yes! We are teaming with VisitDay’s nationally used platform to make this as easy as possible for everyone, and if you have worked with VisitDays for other events, you will be able to easily transfer your already created profile over to our event.
What are the ways to reach & connect with Montana students, counselors, parents & beyond this fall?
Good news! We are here to help you! With in-person, fairs, high school visits, & events being restricted, MPSEOC is excited to team statewide and nationally to offer several new options to still connect during this unique time. Sign up for all of our Montana on-going Virtual Events.