After your initial setup, you will simply just log back into your profile to make updates. You do NOT make another new profile each time.
Important Notice: The email you enter into this form will be the email you will use to log back in. To set your password. You will simply click "Reset Password" the first time, use your email you put into this form, and then check that email for the reset password link. From then on, you will just use that email and password to log back into your profile.
Step 1:Video Training | If you would like more details on this new process, please watch the training video below on how to edit your profile.
Access To Profile | You have full access at any time to update. Therefore, we ask you to establish a regular plan in your office to check your profile at least quarterly, or when you feel is best to keep your information on the profile accurate for students, counselors, parents, etc. who use these profiles for information.
New Image / Video Requests | Make sure to add your new pictures, logos, information into your profile!
Fields That Do Not Apply? What if you do not have an answer to a question or section in the profile? please simply add a "zero" - 0 to the blank and it will remove that field from your profile.
Why Update? We will have 1,000’s of students, counselors, parents, and beyond starting to visit our site and these profiles throughout the year.
When To Update: Please make sure to access and update your initial profile set-up and updated no later than August 31. Ongoing, please update your profile regularly and at least every few months. This profile will not be updated by MPSEOC. Each campus has full control of their profile and keeping it updated. Throughout the year, MPSEOC will be consistently be pulling data and information from your profile to share out with counselors, students, printing, etc.
If this is your first time accessing these updated profiles, please watch this training video.